Electric fencing Cape Town is the top electric fencing Company giving you 24hour property protection and tranquillity of mind. Why? Because we have above standard products and services. With qualified and trustworthy technicians for all-electric fence fittings, and certificates of compliance so you only need Electric fencing Cape Town and no one else. Fence protection has been around for more than 40 years. And the technology is growing by the minute so if you already have electric fence protection and need an upgrade, we can help you. If you need a brand new installation, well you have clicked on the right place.

Electric Fencing Cape Town

Feel Safe

Affordable services are over and above the rest. See what we have to offer you.

Everything we do at Electric fencing Cape Town when it comes to electric fencing

When it comes to electric fencing we know it all and we do it all Electric fencing Cape Town has been installing electric fences for small private properties and massive corporation properties, such as. Farms, game farms, and housing estates and have gained our reputable and trusted name through consistent service. That not only offers electric fence prices competitive with the rest. But also can offer special prices year-round to keep electric fencing installations cost-effective for the public allowing us to do installations and electric fence repairs for brilliant rates and providing you the best prices, the best products, and the best service in Gauteng.

Electric Fencing in Cape Town

Everything we do when it comes to electric fencing also includes electric gates. Ask Electric fencing Cape Town about what we do and how we can assist you. It is not just about the service but also about the products like electric fence energizer supplies. So, why any longer call now, quotations and consultations wait are free.

The Energizer brand we supply

Nemtek Energizer is a reliable brand for all-electric fence wire and installation projects. Not only does Electric fencing Cape Town recommend this safe and well-respected brand but also the world and government departments do as well. Always remember to stick to brands that will be stable and remain in the government-regulated act requirements. Because an electric shock and its effects can be fatal and if you have not been compliant with the law of South Africa it could have negative repercussions for you. Speak to our qualified consultants about Nemtek and the government regulations act.

Cape Town Electric Fencing

Government Certificate of compliance

We offer an Electric Fence system certificate of compliance. As we said, government regulations stipulate strictly what an electric fence wire needs to have in place and once we have completed a project we will do a certification for you.
So, give us a call to find out more about what we offer and keeping yourself safe Electric fencing installers in CT is here for you.

Wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_network