DStv users have often encountered a situation with their DStv decoder rebooting all the time. It is very frustrating, especially since it causes your decoder to get a poor signal to some channels or lose them together. It also comes unannounced, making it very difficult to prevent it. Knowing what causes the error will help you fix it easily.
What causes the DStv decoder rebooting all the time error?
Corrupt software is the main cause of this problem. If you have made a DStv upgrade recently, you are also likely to experience this problem. It can also arise when you download your software upgrade from an unauthorized site that may have corrupt items.
How to fix the time error
Once you know the cause of this problem, fixing it becomes easier. You will first have to unplug all the cables in our DStv setup and let the decoder rest for some time. When complete, you can reconnect it to all its cables and carry on with fixing the DStv decoder rebooting all the time error. Restart the decoder by pressing its power button since unplugging it directly could cause more damage.
Press the menu button on your DStv remote and hold it for a while. After a while, the DStv menu will pop up, and you can continue fixing this DStv decoder rebooting all the time error. Navigate to the Home network option on the menu and click on it.
You can now reset it to the “DSTV W7” option and save these changes before closing it. Once the changes have been saved, an automated scan will begin to find any lost channels and fix the rebooting process. When it comes back on, you will not have to worry about your DStv decoder and missing out on your favorite shows.
If the problem continues, however, you can reach out to a DStv technician to solve it. The DStv decoder rebooting all the time error has several causes, and settling on the right one can be challenging for a beginner. Performing these dstv fixes has never been this easy.